Monday, July 25, 2005

Cape of Good Hope ..

The weather was just perfect on the weekend, so we decided to go to the Cape of Good Hope. Actually, the plan was to rent bikes from Simon's Town and cycle to the Cape Point, but because we didn't find any bike rental there, we went by car.
The views from the road were magnificent. Because the Cape of Good Hope is in a nature reserve, we had to pay the entrance fee 35 rands each. But it was well worth it! The landscape was unique and the views to the sea were magnificent! And we saw ostriches!
Tiina, I've got some more stones & shells for you!
The Cape Point is the most southwestern point in Africa. The air is really fresh there, as it comes straight from the Arctic.

We spent the whole day there - there were 5 of us - Tobi, I, Karen (a German girl studying here) and a Dutch couple. On our way back we stopped at a beach to view the sunset and had dinner in a fish restaurant in a small town called Kommetjie (luckily, I found a vegetarian pizza in the menu!). I was driving back to Cape Town - it was really difficult - the road was narrow, very curvy and going downhill all the time.. and it was on the edge of a mountain! Besides, it was dark.. Luckily, we survived.

I forgot ... on our way to the Cape of Good Hope we stopped at Simon's Town and went to see the penguins! There is a colony of African penguins there. They were cute, but they smelled!

Sunday was a day for relaxing. We went to the Camps Bay Beach and spent the whole day there. And I went swimming! Actually, you can't really call it swimming, because the waves are too high to be able to swim. A couple of times I was knocked over by the waves.. The water was cold, but after a while I got used to it and didn't want to come out! :o)
At the beach, there are some guys who want to sell stuff to people - it's mostly crafts (small figures, keyholders, drums..) - at least 10 of them passed us and wanted us to buy their stuff. In the end, a woman came to us and started playing some musical instrument and wanted us to give her money for that...

Now some bad news... On Saturday my camera broke! :(((( The lens got stuck - it doesn't come out and doesn't go in either.. I'm really sad about this... It looks like this is something which happens quite often to Canon cameras. Well, nothing has happened to mine for 3 years and now, just when I need the camera the most... Now I'll have to see how much they charge for repairing it and if it's too much, I'll have to buy a new one..
Tobi and I have tried to repair the camera on our own, but unsuccessfully so far..
While trying to fix it, we both almost got ourselves killed!! Since we don't have a screwdriver, I used Tobi's pocket knife to get the screws loose... but the knife somehow slipped in my hand and it almost cut half of my finger off.. it was bleeding really bad and I was thinking of going to the hospital even, but then luckily it stopped... I was really in panic! Tobi, thanks again for your support!
Yesterday, we tried to fix the
camera again... and Tobi got two electric shocks from the flash battery!!!
It's kind of strange - so far nothing has happened to us in the township or on the road, but this small camera almost killed us! :o)

I saw a huge bug in my room the other day - it was at least 3 cm long!! Really scary... and it can climb vertically.. that means it can climb to my bed!
To Karin & Adam - I made apple burgers!! Although I couldn't find any dark bread here, the burgers were still delicious!!

Check out my gallery for new photos.


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