Sunday, July 10, 2005

day 3 in Cape Town

So, today we moved to the place which (hopefully) is going to be our home for the next 3 months! It's a really nice place - both of us have a room of our own, everything is included in the price (electricity, washing machine, fridge...). I guess we got really lucky!

Afterwards we (Tobi, Karen (a German girl studying in Cape Town) and I)) went to an African crafts market in Green Point. They sold amazing stuff there - I just bought a few things - I'll have plenty of time for that later.
I realized that I'm really bad at bargaining - and this is what you really need to do here! I could only get 5 rands off the price! I, so why not give them a decent sum.

After that we did the typical tourist sightseeing and walked along the coastline where rich white people live. The view to the sea was nice and there were huge waves. Some people were even swimming. The water wasn't too cold.
There were some really beautiful shells on the beach - but most of them broken. I'll definitely pick some later. And Tiina, I haven't forgotten about the stone you wanted - I think I'll get it from the Cape of Good Hope where we are planning to go this week... but just a small stone, ok? :o)

I've never seen this many people in a minibus taxi than today - there were 20 of us! Apparently, for the drivers it wasn't too full still! :o)

Tomorrow morning we'll try to rent the car. The left side traffic is still very confusing and we are discovering unfamiliar traffic signs every day. Maybe it would be a good idea to buy a booklet of traffic signs before we start driving... :o)

Still can't believe this is winter here! Today I had to use the sunblock - the African sun is just too strong for my skin it seems..

And one more thing.. please add your name if you write a comment! Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello KADRI This is unbelievable that you are in Africa. I must admit you are really bold to do this. Be careful and I’m waiting your next blog :)

July 10, 2005 10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kadri,

I am really really happy that you seem to be fine and that you're enjoying your first days in Cape Town. Also great that the guy came to meet you at the airport.

Take good car and have a ggod time. I will follow your blog with excitment.

Hugs, Sigrid

July 11, 2005 2:52 AM  

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